In cooperation with the State Protected Territory Service under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, administrations of state-owned parks, state-owned biosphere strict natural reserves, and non-governmental environmental organization Baltic Environmental Forum, the brand of Lithuanian protected area product has been introduced as one of measures for sustainable tourism promotion. The trademark is intended for local product manufacturers, craftsmen, tourism service providers and other local residents that by their activity contribute to sustainable tourism development on the protected areas of Lithuania.
This brand will assist the travelers in finding the projects and services of local communities that conform with key valuables of sustainable development, and help local people to popularize them.
Values of sustainable development
Development of protected areas
Protected area’s managers and local businesses have a symbiotic relationship – they can only thrive together. Protected areas attract travelers with their natural and cultural treasures, but high-quality travel experiences are equally as important as quality and authentic supply of products and services: accommodation, tour guide services, traditional crafts, locally made organic food, etc. The label is given to producers of goods and services who consider their activities to be an integral part of the development objectives of protected areas.
Promotion of cultural and natural heritage
The Label of Protected Areas aims to draw the attention of travelers to products and services that promote cultural and natural heritage, the continuation of traditional crafts or cultural values.
Environmentally friendly activities
The label is awarded to product manufacturers and service providers whose activities are not harmful to the environment and who work to reduce the environmental impact of their activities.
Welfare of local communities
The label helps to promote the products and services created by the local people, thus promoting the employment and economic development of rural communities.