For the period 2014-2020. Interreg V-A South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme is implemented project „Best practise in tourism development, marketing and sustainable management of Attractive Hardwoods“
Žemaitija National Park, together with the Swedish Forest Agency (SE), Blekinge region (SE), Blekinge County Administrative Board (SE), Gdansk regional SFE (PL) and the Pomeranian Tourist Board (PL) launched the European Union 2014-2020. Interreg V-A South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation programme project “Best practise in tourism development, marketing and sustainable management of Attractive Hardwoods“.
Project duration: 2016.07.01-2019-06-30
The project will aim to establish six new tourism products: installation of bird-watching location to the length of the lake (1); to create a mobile application on the service provided Žemaitija National Park (2); to create a 10-minute film about Žemaitija National Park (3); built two information terminals (4); certified new guides (5); create an exhibition (6). In addition to these works will be carried out, and many others such as the Administration Web site update, strategies, Liepijų forest management, seminars, study tours organization and others.
The project aims to:
• increasing popularity of natural objects and the number of visitors deciduous forests;
• to bring together the local community, individuals and legal entities to work together;
• develop new tourism products and services;
• develop a common strategy will be to increase and promote cross-border tourism, solid hardwood forests around the southern Baltic Sea region and the activities of the project will be carried out in carefully selected areas.
Total value of the project: 1 493 252,65 EUR.
Žemaitija National park budget value: 302 883.90 EUR.
Žemaitija National park financial contribution: 45 432.58 EUR.
Zemaitija National Park Directorate
Didžioji str. 10, Plateliai, LT-90420, Plungės dstr., Lithuania
Company code: 191440964
VAT code: LT914409610
The founder is the State Service of Protected Areas under the Ministry of Environment.
Website part-financed by the European Union 2014-2020. Interreg V-A South Baltic Cross Border Cooperation Program.