On 22-23 July in Pape (Rucava County) the Kurzeme Planning Region together with its 10 UniGreen project partners (Aukštaitijos nacionalinis parkas, Biržų Regioninis Parkas, DURBE un Durbes novads, Kretingos rajono savivaldybė, Kuldīgas Novada Dome, Rojas novada pašvaldība, Saldus novada pašvaldība, Skrundas novada pašvaldība, Ventspils novada pašvaldība, Žemaitijos nacionalinis parkas) organised the pre-closure project management meeting to discuss the progress made in the project so far and remaining tasks for the final project period till 31 October 2019.
So far the project has successfully finished all the initially planned activities on training, experience exchange and seminars, as well as infrastructure development in Kurzeme. The majority of marketing activities have also been finished. To more actively raise the interest of travellers on the Nature Trails Guidebook developed in the project, few additional marketing activities have been included – the campaign “Hike in Kurzeme” and “Hike in Lithuania”, as well as the photo exhibition on nature trails in Kurzeme, which can currently be visited at the shopping mall Riga Plaza. The additional marketing activities are running successfully and are foreseen to finish in September.
Under the infrastructure development activities in Lithuania, the partners have successfully finished the construction of wooden boardwalks and pontoon bridges at Kirkilai karstic lakes in Biržai Regional Park and reconstruction of the viewing platform on the coast of Lake Plateliai in Žemaitija National Park. The work on the improvement of Jaurykla park in Kretinga and construction of pontoon piers, adjacent trail stretches and resting areas in Aukštaitija National Park continues. The building and installation works are foreseen to finish in September. In addition, a number of individual detailed trail maps have been issued for Žemaitija National Park and Aukštaitija National Park. Development of trail maps for Biržai Regional Park and Klaipeda region continues.
At the end of the meeting the partners discussed the organisational issues for the Final Project Conference, which shall take place on 17 September in Talsi. More detailed information on registration and timing will follow.
Project activities are being implemented with the support of the Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.
Information prepared by:Kurzeme Planning Region
Tel.: + 371 26315137, aiva.jakovela@kurzemesregions.lv
Zemaitija National Park Directorate
Didžioji str. 10, Plateliai, LT-90420, Plungės dstr., Lithuania
Company code: 191440964
VAT code: LT914409610
The founder is the State Service of Protected Areas under the Ministry of Environment.
Website part-financed by the European Union 2014-2020. Interreg V-A South Baltic Cross Border Cooperation Program.