Plokštinės street 3, Paplatelė village, Plungė district
Tel. +370 448 49422, +370 655 77666
Hotel „Linelis“ is situated on the shore of one the largest and cleanest lake in Žemaitija region – Plateliai lake, at the asylum of Žemaitija National Park. This is a three floors building of contemporary design with comfortable rooms, balconies and open air terraces. Currently we have 35 rooms. For staying overnight there are available rooms: accommodating one, two, three or four persons, double or family apartments. We can accommodate up to 120 guests at a time.
Hotel invites to come not only in spring and summer, when there are plenty of different water entertainment, but in autumn and winter as well.
Cosy and warm rooms of our hotel are open for those traveling on business. This is an excellent alternative to rooms of a noisy city hotel. Pure air, harmony of the forest and lake, decent breakfast will help You to recover the strength and will beneficially tum Your mood for new activities.
Striving for better satisfaction of our customer‘s needs in 2002 we started the renovation of the rest house. On the 18th July of the same year there opened the doors and pleasantly surprised customers the cosy original design restaurant with a luxurious bar and open air café. Today we can already take pleasure that the creation and work of our gathered cuisine masters‘ team are so highly valued by our guests.
It is especially important to us the everybody visiting would have a good rest and would be kindly and attentively serviced. There is no higher evaluation then a guest‘s gratitude for the good spent time, delicious courses or hospitality of the servicing staff referred to in good words.
Zemaitija National Park Directorate
Didžioji str. 10, Plateliai, LT-90420, Plungės dstr., Lithuania
Company code: 191440964
VAT code: LT914409610
The founder is the State Service of Protected Areas under the Ministry of Environment.
Website part-financed by the European Union 2014-2020. Interreg V-A South Baltic Cross Border Cooperation Program.